Helensburgh and Lomond Carers SCIO

Helensburgh and Lomond Carers SCIO
Making a positive difference to the lives of unpaid carers
Helensburgh and Lomond Carers Centre has been supporting unpaid carers since 2000. Since then, the Charity has steadily grown, and we are now supporting 500 adult carers and 150 young carers locally.
Our mission is:
‘To make a positive difference to the lives of unpaid carers.’
This is underpinned by a commitment to place carers at the heart of the organisation; respect and learn from them as experts in their own lives; give them a voice in service design, delivery and review; help them achieve better outcomes, and ensure that services are accessible and effective regardless of their caring situations or personal circumstances.
We have a contract with Argyll & Bute Health Social Care Partnership which is renewed annually and we rely on grant awards from non-statutory funders such as the National Lottery, Children In Need, the Robertson Trust, the Armed Forces Covenant Fund, Lloyd’s TSB Foundation and the Carers Trust. Other funding sources include smaller grants received from a wide range of funding bodies, donations made by carers and supporters and fundraising activities.
We are very excited to be a part of the Winter Festival promoting our service. During these difficult times, it is even more important to come together as a community and support each other.
Enter view the Helensburgh & Lomond Carers Facebook Page or Website
We are giving you the opportunity to win one of our fantastic festive hampers to raise funds for our continued work supporting unpaid Adult and Young Carers throughout Helensburgh and Lomond. Please follow the links to our website/Facebook page to enter and join us on the 11th of December@10.30am for the Live Draw at our Christmas Online Coffee Morning. We have a food hamper and a drinks hamper both filled with luxury items to make any Christmas special. You can enter as many times as you like! Good Luck and enjoy the rest of the festival.