[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]
Primary Points
- Road Closure of West Princes St and Colquhoun St, north of the Square
- Access only from James Street end of West Princes Street – One way traffic in operation
- Setup from 08.00 Saturday and 10.00 Sunday
- Inside the Road Closure area follow instructions from Marshals
- Stop only on left hand (North) side of the road – required to maintain Emergency access
- Stopping is to UNLOAD only, not for setting out stalls (we have 100 to get in)
- Do not leave vehicles unattended and only stop where instructed
- No Access from Colquhoun Street South – Royal Mail Vehicles only
- Note the location of your stall before turning up so you know where you’re going
- Stall Numbering starts from the Left when FACING the row: 1, 2, 3, etc
- Craft Stalls measure 8ft x 6ft – please bring tables that will fit in the space and allow movement
- Electricity users NOTE Last Paragraph
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John Clark – 07931 910 753 [/vc_message][vc_btn title=”Download a .pdf version of this sheet” color=”warning” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-download” add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.helensburghwinterfestival.co.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F10%2FInstructionsForStallholders_2019.pdf||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]
Full Instructions for Stallholders attending the Winter Festival this year:
As in previous years the period of set-up and take-down for stallholders will be congested, to get 100 Stalls and Attractions in and settled. Everyone’s co-operation and patience increases the chance of things going more smoothly.
The volunteer organisers want everyone participating to have a profitable and enjoyable Winter Festival and we have put a lot of work into making this happen.
By noting the location of your stall from the information provided by email, you will assist in making this as painless as possible for everyone.
Parking within the closure area will be totally suspended as parking bays are being used for some of the festival attractions. On both days a one-way system will operate driving East. No vehicles will be allowed entry from the Sinclair Street junction.
We appreciate, that only about 40 stalls are immediately adjacent to West Princes Street. Unfortunately this is a feature of the square and means that significant numbers will have to carry their goods and produce at least a little distance. We hope to have sufficient volunteers available to guard your produce and stall while you move your vehicle to a parking area away from the square. Stopping in West Princes Street is only to unload, so vehicles should not be left while stalls are being set up. This creates congestion and frustration for other stallholders trying to get in. Please unload quickly.
If you need access to electrical power remember all of our outlets in the Square require a 16 amp blue plug. Your electrical lead should be at least 25 metres long, and if this terminates in a trailing 13 amp socket outlet, that must be enclosed in a waterproof box. All stallholders using electricity must provide covering for any electrical leads that cross over paths and walkways to ensure pedestrians do not trip over their leads.
Where any problems occur with the supply apparently not working, your equipment must be disconnected and reported to the Festival Tent beside the RBS or the above number. Your equipment might have tripped a breaker and needs to be checked before further use.
There were incidents last year when traders plugged faulty equipment into one socket after another, tripping multiple breakers. This created problems for everyone else which took time to resolve and caused lots of frustration.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]